The virtual power challenge (geplant)
Controlling distributed generators at grid control level
IMR number:11-1505Pagination:approx. pagesPublication date:- planned -Price:1.900,00 €
High numbers of small generators pose problems to system operators as they displace large central generation which presently is used for system control. The Virtual Power Plant concept is to aggregate small generators either for the purposes of trading electrical energy or to provide system support services.
Planned content of the international market report
- Basics
- Technology
- Decentralized energy management system (DEMS)
- Distributed control with multi-agent systems
- Inverter based dispatchable DER
- Strategic drivers
- Decoupling power flow and operational control
- Environmental benefits
- Financial incentives
- Strategic challenges
- Levelling the playing field
- Establishing rules
- Finding appropriate business cases
- Industry conservatism
- The payoff
- Country chapters