Demand and Supply of Installation Equipment (TIVs) for the Offshore Wind Energy until 2025
- Which are the basic conditions that have to be considered?
- Which are the requirements that have to be met by the special vessels?
- How will relevant technologies develop, especially with regard to loading and volume capacities, duration of deployment and restrictions caused by weather?
- How many vessels are currently available and how will the availability probably develop?
- Is a vessel shortfall possible or even realistic?
- How is the competitive situation for special vessels and how will it probably develop?
- Which are the existing trends, chances and risks for offshore wind farm operators, offshore constructors and ship owners?
For the European offshore wind energy, a great growth potential is predicted. There are plans for numerous offshore wind farms which will constitute a hundred MW of installed capacity once they have been completed. The erection of thousands of offshore wind turbines is a real challenge to logistics as high requirements have to be met. Particularly, a high need of special vessels for the transport, installation and maintenance of offshore wind turbines becomes evident.
The short study “Special Vessels for the Offshore Wind Energy until 2025” deals in particular with the need and availability of the required vessels, offering a comparison of the supply and demand. In order to estimate future developments, an overview of the available and planned offshore wind farms in Europe as well as of the existing and planned vessel capacities for the offshore wind industry is provided. Afterwards, the requirements for the market and the potentials for the industry are analysed, also including a detailed market forecast.