
Momentarily, the generation of energy is impacted heavily by the creation of new generation capacities in exchange for those generation sites of energy economy and industry that are shut down because of their age or the legal framework (nuclear power consensus, BImSchG). Generators of energy are called on to decide on investments within the area of conflict between the maintenance of reliability of supply, the call for internationally competitive and accordingly customer-friendly prices for industry and population, the growing ecological requirements and their own economic assumptions.

The essential aspects in this context are the development of international energy markets as well as the established emission trading, changes of the environmental and energy framework (e.g. BImSchV/G, Changes of the EEG, extension of the KWKModG, EnWG amendment) as well as the situation in other connected markets (plant construction, resource markets, …).

The orientation of substitute capacities impacts the essential topics of energy generation not only now but in the long run as well. On the one hand, tasks and questions evolve out of current enterprises that need to be solved now and in the near future and on the other hand these decisions preset the essential trends and topics for decades to come. The discussion about the energy industry is dominated by those projects with a large investment volume that are based predominantly on conventional technology of thermal and fossil power generation. The source of fuel has to be examined very thoroughly. On the backdrop of the use of emerging waste streams, the utilisation of refuse under the keyword "waste-to-energy" is discussed next to "classic" fuels like coal and natural gas.

In addition there is the eco-politically wanted and promoted trend of a growing utilisation of renewable energy as well as decentralised forms of generation - mostly consisting of highly efficient technologies. A basic incitement is the discussion about the finiteness of energy resources.

Apart from these basic, publicly discussed topics about the arrangement of the generation structures, topics and aspects (e.g. the market for balancing energy for securing the grid stability or the market for by-products of energy generation) unfold that are discussed very intensively by numerous specialists.

These developments all have an impact on plant operators, energy users, suppliers within the sectors of plant construction, planning and maintenance as well as consultants and other service providers in the energy industry. Therefore, it is worth to conduct a comprehensive and professional examination and to align present as well as future decisions accordingly in order to act at the market successfully.

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